Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Our First Letter!

So excited! We received our first letter:

The first week here has been extremely crazy! The first day felt like i was being bounced from one place to another with no time to catch my breath! My companion Elder Sprunt is so awesome, he's so much like me and we get along really well. My whole district is really awesome, but out of the 30+ elders that reported on the same day only four of us, Elder Sprunt, Elder Baxter, Elder Suave (pronounced So VEE), and myself are going to Frankfurt, the rest are going to Berlin. but in April 45 Elders are being added to the German Zone and in our last week 60+ are to report for our zone! 
I really Enjoyed reading that note3 in Jesus the Christ dad left for me and the Dear Elder Letters i got from Dad, Justin, and Jared.
From day 1 they completely immerse you in deutsch! it is so Stressful! On day 3 Ich belehre ein "unterzucker" auf deutsch! it was really scary at first but as me and mein mitterbeiter began teaching about prayer and how God truly is our Himmlische Vater the spirit completely took over. I'm not going to be surprised when Unsere Unterzucker turns out to be one of our teachers tommorow.
On sunday we had a devotional and brother Elliot, an organist from the Mormon choir, and David Archuleta, some special guy i assume from how the sisters were swooning, spoke to us. I'm sure if you are a person who gets really nerdy about musik this devotional would have been your dream, but for me it wasn't too spiritual. Brother Archuleta gave a good talk about the changes we can see in people, but when he broke out into song at the pulpit it felt as if the spirit left. I realize that i'm in the minority here but i don't like the way he sings, but the elders in my district also mentioned to me how it felt like the spirit just wasn't there. Afterwards we went to see a recording of Elder Bednar's talk in a MTC called "how To Recognize The Spirit" if you are able to find a video of this talk I highly suggest you do. It was so amazing! I want my siblings and little cousins to remember what Bednar said on how to make sure you do what the Lord wants you to do (and really everyone)
1. Be a Good Boy/Girl
2. Remember Your Covenants
3. Keep the Commandments
4. Always Press Forward Doing Your Best
Ich weiss dass Das Buch Mormon wahr ist. Ich weiss dass Gott uns leibe und dass Jesus Christus unsere Ertloser ist. I know that I'm doing what the lord wants me to do and that He will Bless us because He loves us. Ich weiss dass die Kirche wahr ist.
Ich liebe dich,
Elder Cameron Brande

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