Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Call

Cameron received his call to serve in the Germany, Frankfurt mission. Cameron had taken three years of German in high school and loved the German culture. In addition, his grandparents recently returned from a mission there. Cameron had the chance to visit them in Frankfurt last summer. He really wanted to go to Germany, so of course we knew he wouldn't go there. As his mom, I felt he was going Spanish speaking.  In fact, I had told him that taking German was a waste. Boy was I wrong.

When Cameron received his call he wanted to open it in private.  He went in to his room and we heard a huge yell of "Yes!" When he came out and told the family, I didn't believe it at first. It was too good to be true and the Spirit spoke so strongly to my heart that this was the place he was meant to go.

The next big shock was that he was to report to the MTC in just five short weeks.  There would be a lot to do in a short amount of time. Cameron was up to the challenge and it was so neat to see him take charge as a young man. He finished his employment and was able to save up for more than half the cost of his mission. He took care of most of his list and making his temple appointment. I was so proud of him. However, it was a bittersweet moment as I knew it was getting closer to my first born leaving the nest.

March 23rd was his farewell talk. We were blessed to have lots of family who made the trip down here from Utah. We also had so many friends come out. We felt so loved.

Since Cameron loves pies, we decided to do a pies and ties theme. Cameron's favorite pie is Cherry.Somehow, I always forgot to get him Cherry pie so I had to make sure he got his pie.( It's a long silly story so you'll have to hear it another time.)  I did have to play a trick on him and hide the cherry pie. I had 10 different pies with no cherry.  He really thought I had forgotten his cherry pie! I finally brought it out and it was a great laugh.  The whole day was wonderful and we were so grateful for everyone who helped make it a fantastic day!

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