Monday, May 12, 2014

First week in Germany!

This building is where his grandma and grandpa lived while on their mission!

We ended up getting a letter Tuesday after all so here's the latest from Cameron:

Well after a crazy last week at the MTC and a really long flight I made it to Germany! I´m so excited to be here and I can really feel that the work is progressing in Germany. I'm in a area called Aachen and my trainer, Elder Anderson, and I are both new to the area and have gotten lost every day so far, but we're starting to learn the area bit by bit.
Elder Anderson and I are Uni Elders, meaning that we do all our finding and contacting on the big University here and Aachen. It's been tough, we've yet to teach a single person and almost all the referalls we've gotten have shut us down. I feel like we've been working like crazy, but no one is interested yet, but I have faith that this week will be better! We have hade quite a few fruitful conversations with a few students, so there is hope! 
Aachen is so beautiful and so freaking cold! It has rained every single day I've been here! It just started pouring outside as I type!!! We contacted a nice referall the other day, but she lived in a small little town to the west and while we were walking to her house we walked through a part of the Netherlands! 
The Branch here is so awesome! Every single member is so freindly and just loves to help us missionares! They are so excited about missionary work and on Sunday when two investigators showed up to church they just were so welcoming! 
I'm so excited and I look forward to serving the People of Aachen!
Elder Brande 

Here's President Schwartz, Elder Anderson and Elder Brande

No Letter this week so here is an update from the Mother's Day phone call:

Here's Cameron at the mission home with President and Sister Schwartz, the new missionaries and their trainers:

After waiting on pins and needles for a few days and having the possibility that Cameron might be sent home due to his illness, he was cleared by the doctors and sent to Germany! Cameron arrived on Wednesday May 7th. He went to the Mission home where he was interviewed by President Schwartz and assigned his trainer/companion. His companion is Elder Anderson. I am on a Germany missionary mom's facebook group and his mom is on there and she was able to give this information to me on Thursday so we didn't have to wait until Mother's day to hear. SO grateful for technology!

Cameron was assigned to Aachen, Germany. This is a new area that he and his companion get to open up. They are mainly assigned to the University. They live in an apartment right next to the University. The university is considered one of the best in Europe so there are people from all over the world there. They have Books of Mormon in several different languages to pass around. He says the translation in Arabic and Persian is super interesting. He thought it was pretty funny that his first contact was a family from Cameroon - considering his name is Cameron.  They didn't speak much German and neither did Elder Brande so he and his companion used a mixture of English, German and hand gestures to communicate.

The other neat thing about this area is that three countries intersect at one point and it is possible to be in three countries at once - Germany, Netherlands and Belgium.  Because this is a new area, neither Elder Brande or his companion know the area and have been walking everywhere and getting lost at the same time.  He said they went to deliver a Book of Mormon to a referral and they kept walking for hours, pretty soon they saw all these signs saying goodbye in German. Pretty soon, they realized they had left Germany and were walking in the Netherlands.  They quickly turned around and found their way home.

He says it's beautiful there. Here is a little video of the town if you want to check it out:
Luckily, we got to speak with Elder Brande on Mother's Day.  Best Mother's Day present ever. He is feeling much better. The work is hard but the Spirit is strong!

Here's a picture of the Persian Book of Mormon he was talking about:

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