Monday, May 19, 2014

It's a one jacket week!

The weather has been pretty nice for the last few days and I'm finally able to wear just one jacket! We had a really neat experience the other day; we left our apartment early for an termin and we ended up heading the wrong way (we don't completly know the way around town yet) and out of a blue a lady called out to us. She had just gotten out of an internet cafe in which she was trying to Email a missionary she had lost contact with, so she found us and we set up a time to meet with her this week or the next! It was a huge testimony to me that the Lord puts his missionaries where he needs us. 
To be honest I kind of miss being able to work outside and I don't know why but I'm craving some yard work.

I'm sorry to hear about Aunt Karol. I hope that Grandpa is doing fine, I can't even imagine what one of my siblings passing away would do to me. The Branch here in Aachen is really amazing, and the building is in the Städtteil Brand so every member has brought that up to me. the Elder's Quorum Präsident, Mario is a really great guy, he's always taking us to appointments and helping us with   Weniger Aktives. He's a convert and he went on his mission to Frankfurt (he's German) and moved here to Aachen afterwards and became a baker ( he's always giving us bread and that's awesome!). We found out that he was once married, but his wife died in a car accident, which is totally sad! but it is amazing to see how groß his testimony on the Plan of Salvation and forgiveness are. 
Ugh! look up a picture of a German keyboard. You don't realize how often you use Y until it's switched. Also forgive my spelling, German is kind of killing it. The good thing about German is once you begin to understand it it's really easy to spell. We have cell phones and it is nice to be able to use those, helps save us 40 € train tickets :) 
-We don't have Ipads as a mission, but our district got chosen to be the test group with some new Ipads so we'll see where that goes! 
-No pain really, I did a net weight gain of -4 in a week and a half, but I gained about 18 pounds then dropped :P don't worry I've been doing Morgen Sport so I've been staying in shape :) 
-Elder Sprunt went to Bommburg, Apparently that is one of the nicest Wohnungs, I found out this week that we are liveing in one of the most rundown/Ghetto Wohnungs in the Mission, but that's how I want my first one to be, it will make the rest seem awesome :)
-Cmbrande Mch13f777

Love Elder Brande 

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