Monday, August 11, 2014

Enjoying the new area

Well it seems the pleas for a little more info did not fall on deaf ears. He sent us a letter with a list of answers to questions asked over the last few letters. He put it in list format so I hope I got the right answers with the right questions. He also sent us a fun package with chocolates from the Lindt factory in Aachen. It was such a treat to receive. We also got some fun pictures of his new area.

Here are the questions and answers

I'm very anxious to hear about your new area. How do you like it?
Yes, I like it
 How about your companion?
 What part of England is he from? -baldock town, north of London 
How are you getting along? good
It looks like Bitburg is every bit as rainy as Aachen. 
-it hasn't rained too much here, our apartment is in Bisburg
How are you handling the rain? Good. It gets tiring after a while
Have you learned to love it or loathe it?  good
Now that the portion of this letter devoted to motherly guilt is over how are you?  Good
Have the Germans settled down after their win?  It sure looked like an exciting time! -yes, like two days after it was like nothing happened
Meet any new people? everyday I do. 
How are your investigators?-they come and go
What do you think of Aachen as a city?it was good

Any advice you  have for Lucas entering his first year of highschool?
advice for Luke: have fun, don't get caught up in the academics 
Where is your companion from? Utah  (this was in reference to his old companion, Elder Jack)
 How is the work going?  Same old, same old
How are you feeling about your language learning? Gut
How are you feeling spiritually, physically, emotionally? Good

Cameron enjoying the weather
His companion Elder Smith.  He's from London so Elder Brande thinks he talks funny and says he says Smith like Smiff. I can only imagine how he thinks Cameron speaks :)

Here's Elder Brande and Elder Smith in Trier,, a city in their area

Here's Connor Moores.  He describes him as a mini missionary that will be working with them for the next week

Here's a snap of the letter that came in the package

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